our best
broadband deals
Compare our best broadband deals, with speeds up to 944 Mb/s. Enter your postcode to see what you can get:
Full Fibre 150
From £28 a month, increasing to £31 from April 2025 then to £34 in April 2026, for an 24 month contract with no set up fees.
152 Mb/s average download speed. 4x faster than standard fibre.
Award-winning Amazon eero 6 router with dual-band Wi-Fi 6 included as standard. (RRP £109)
More devices, more control. Easily connect and manage 75+ devices within a few taps in the Amazon eero app.
Installed by expert engineers.
Data only. Don't pay for a landline you don't need.
Full Fibre 150
From £28 a month, increasing to £31 from April 2025 then to £34 in April 2026, for an 24 month contract with no set up fees.
152 Mb/s average download speed. 4x faster than standard fibre.
Award-winning Amazon eero 6 router with dual-band Wi-Fi 6 included as standard. (RRP £109)
More devices, more control. Easily connect and manage 75+ devices within a few taps in the Amazon eero app.
Installed by expert engineers.
Data only. Don't pay for a landline you don't need.